Monday 23 June 2014

The new plan (Life After O's 3)

I have planned (or am in the process of planning) my schedule for the next 4 months. Intense study! Of course I didn't forget that there is still a week of holiday left. I'm going to do something that hopefully will make you guys proud~ I'm going to out-of-box build all my entire backlog (Starting with the MG Hyaku Shiki because I know you guys like bling) However, painting (the WIP for the HG unicorn) will have to wait, I cannot afford to screw up my brain any further with the toxic laquer fumes. It's going to be a short (hopefully) 4 months, and hopefully all goes well.

Let's drift off topic for a second... To Life After O's

As the holiday's draw closer to the end, I find myself drifting further and further away from my friends. I'm not sure if they feel the same..

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