Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Its not even over yet!

2 more papers to go, Chemistry is once again, tomorrow.

I'm pretty excited this time.. Its 11.39 and this time, I ain't talking to myself. Cheers to all you people :)

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The final post

Once again an eventful year draws to an end. The ups and downs of life in school just seems to want to tear me apart, not the best timing too. The sheer agony within my heart, the shimmering glimpse of hope that glows and fades as and when. I'm sick of it. This will be, without a doubt, my last post on this blog as a teen with a broken heart. Soon the After O's saga will end. This is the dawn of After A's.

Friday, 15 May 2015


Perhaps life wasn't so bad after all. Well out of the line of poverty, loving parents, grandparents and siblings~ what more is there to ask for. My life isn't bad, I've just been misinterpreting it. No one is against me. Just myself. I'll promise myself this : I will return the favour, all the kindness, care and concern that they have given me. I will do my absolute best.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015


At the lowest point of my life, I looked into a mirror. The reflection~ a dark and depressed soul. I hated what I saw, and I ran. Days of running, running and running. Each time the light at the end of the tunnel getting closer and closer. Running was my passion. Running was an outlet for me to throw the hate I had for myself~and others. Throw it out of my mind. Little did I know, running away from the problem is only going to buy time, time to let you run a little further. They'll catch up eventually.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Life After O's 12

My emotions like to play tricks on my mind sometimes. It happens quite frequently, especially when I'm stressed. Recovery is a path, filled with pain and sorrow. But the light is near, it's coming closer. It'll be alright soon enough.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Life After O's 11

 I had a dream once, a dream of retiring in a hut on a rocking chair, sipping a cup of hot tea, watching the cool breeze blow at the tufts of lush green bush. And my mind, free of thought, free of worries, free of everything, everything but calm. Watching time pass, waiting, and waiting, for the end. There is beauty in silence, there is beauty in tranquillity. But now, if i don't act, that will forever be a dream. If I falter, I will be walking on a pile of rubble, a mat of my own tears and failure. Let's lock and load.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Life After O's 10

Ive never felt so exhausted In my life. Physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, life gives you 24 hours to overcome all of that. There's a gaping hole in my heart, one that can't be patched up anytime soon. I need to rest.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

New gunpla

Wahahahah I couldn't help but splurge on Gunpla- again

This time I went ahead and got something I set my eyes on for a while. The GM Sniper.

Photo credit: Gundamwiki

I have a ton of plans for this kit, as with all my other kits. But they're gonna have to take a backseat. I'll have to focus from now on. I have a goal now.

Life After O's 9

I admire people who stand their ground, know their goals and are unafraid of the popular opinion. These are the true role models that we should look up to. You are what you want to be, no one should superimpose their ideals on you (Unless it's immoral, ironic huh?). Be free. Stand against the tides, a new island, full of treasures await 👍👍

Of course, it's easier said than done. Be the change?  Sure. I'm game. It's time for change.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Life After O's 8

The facade that people seem to try so hard to decorate is a nasty pain I feel in my neck. I won't play their games. For now I need to focus.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Hi aye tus

Hiatus.  I seem to always return when I'm troubled, it's almost as if I'm taking you guys for granted. Sigh.

Need the hiatus to catch my breath.

What even is a hiatus.

sounds pretty cool

Im tired and lost, confused by the voices in my head. So much to think of, it's almost difficult to focus.

Monday, 23 February 2015

MG Hyaku Shiki 2.0 announced!!!☺☺☺☺

Hey hey it's been a while! Awesome news, the MG Hyaku Shiki 2.0 was just announced :D

Friday, 6 February 2015

Life After O's 7

Hi there! It's been a while hasn't it?
No sure, its fine, i am patient and i do so enjoy reading what you write.
Of course you do! YOU write it.

Conversing is so much less a chore when there isn't conversation at all.. I hate it when i plan out an argument perfectly in my head, but when it comes out~ well.. It's just plain bad English.

Sure, my English isn't exactly the best.. But my fear of people,  of speaking to them-- yes! That's bad. That's really bad.

On a side note,  I've had plenty of time to reflect over the past few weeks. It all isn't that bad, a tad sad is all.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

The predicament. (Life After O's 6)

I tend to ramble on about my choices, if you've noticed in my past posts. It seems like I've made a fair, if not extreme, share of bad decisions that all led up to my life today. I want to belive the classic pokemon quote from the trainers Nugget Bridge above Cerulean city ~ "I did my best, I have no regrets!"

Sadly, I've built up a life of many, many regrets. 

For me, it has always been down to the final choice. Each wrong move I make, out of laziness or shyness, seems to form an unending chain of regret.  I don't know what consequences await me behind my choices, but at each moment I would feel a justifyable urge to choose the WORST possible decision. Maybe it's just me. Or maybe it's the same for everyone.
Either way, I'd wish there was a helping hand, one that would tell me which decision would, in the long run, turn out to have positive consequences. But even if there would be, I wonder if I would listen.

There are two conflicting voices in my head, arguing over which choice is best. Each has a valid argument, but neither has the foresight of the future. 

Yesterday, I realised that my decisions last year have denied me of a significant milestone. I cringed at the sight of others who, at that moment,  i felt, were walking over me, as they always do. But this time, more condescendingly, mocking me.

Today I stare at my endless mess of homework, wondering if I made the right choice.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Life After O's 5

It's been a few weeks since my last "update", but, hey! I'm back.

It has been another tiring week at school. I feel distanced from society as usual~ but nothing out of the ordinary, i guess. What's been irking me however, has been my inability to persevere.

I find time strangely demotivating. I truely can't get enough of it. I strap a watch on myself to remind myself that every minute that passes by cannot return. But the clock ticks on. My tutor once told me 'God is very fair. Everyone has 24 hours.' That is true. But you are the god of managing this 24 hours.

I need all the motivation I can get, but for now it seems to be a dying light.

Back to business

(Photo credit, no plagiarism intended, but your pictures are amazing)

Bandai has stepped up their game recently, extending their line to the Star Wars Franchise. This clone trooper caught my attention the most. IT'S BEAUTIFUL

I will be getting one for sure!

Until next time!☺ 

But wait theres more !

Credits to sat from modellers jp~ Awesome red mega shiki. Probably the best looking red mobile suit in my opinion!

Friday, 2 January 2015

New year!

Hi, its been a while.

This is the second new year anniversary of my blog. Sadly, i haven't done much for gunpla, i wanted to hold it off for a while.

Let's talk (to myself) about resolutions.
Yeah its been a year of ups and downs..
I remember my resolutions for last year:
Be a different person, learn to care.
HEY it worked out for like half the year but it slowly, but surely wore off. I'm who I used to be, irresponsible and uhhh whatever.

Well I guess i didn't specify HOW LONG this resolution would last.. So..

This year I have a new one though,
This time it's for as long as I live (Hopefully)
I will exercise self control and learn to care.

Now back to gunpla talk yeh?

Long story short,  I'll be back (i promise [myself])

Welcome to Gunpla- Population: Me