I ESPECIALLY FELT GOOD WHEN I HEARD THE ARROGANT RICHKID IN THE CLASS GOT 15 AHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! He was bragging infront of my face "4E3 (our class) ? I think only a few people can do well! I'm sure gonna get straight A's. Amath sure get A haha. I want to go to Serangoon and own them all"
Hey, sorry to burst your bubble. I doubt many people got A1s for their Amath. I was told a majority got A2. And that 15 points ain't gonna pull him anywhere near Serangoon. Oh my grade for Amath? A1. Its pretty significant considering yet again that I got an F9 back in prelim 1. Feels good to blowminds.
I said my goodbyes to a friend of mine (he stopped talking to me because he thought I was pulling him down) but I must admit I was.
I hope I'll get into Serangoon. Or psychology :D
As the holiday draws closer and closer to an end ~ I noticed I created a backlog.
I havent built half of my kits :'(
As for WIP on RG Strike Freedom,
CNY is coming soon which means I'll finally get some Chaching :D Back in the topic, ive completed the right half of SF not including the Dragoons and wings. Ive also finished the backpack and half a skirt. Comparing the two legs, one painted and the other not~
( compare it yourself :3 )