Thursday, 26 December 2013

Taiwan! Cheap gunpla!

There is a shop in Ximendin (blue line in the metro) Or just a cab ride away~ selling what the owner claims is the cheapest gunpla in the world.

On level 4 of the Wannian something something mall, you will find this shop. Sadly, my phone was completely flat so I couldnt get any pictures..

I spent 2380 NT or about 100 SGD on 2 MGs and a HG.

Not the cheapest MGs, but you can find the shenlong on sale for 500 NT, which is about 22 bucks. 

2 finished kits and 2 incomplete pieces so far.

Can't wait to build the Hyaku shiki!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Nu Gundam Ver Ka. WIP-1

Off to taiwan! As soon as I get back ill work for more paint and an airbrush. And work out too :P 

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Pokemon ☆☆

I quit my job after a week.. But that gave me enough to purchase my very own...
3DS XL!!! And a copy of Pokemon X :D 

With the completion of the OOB Srike Freedom
I am now free to play as I please. I'm still quite sure I lack the skill to begin the MG Nu Ver. Ka that I have. Maybe I'll even sell it. Any takers??

I was at the store wondering which 3DS was the best. And if I should buy the LIMITED EDITION 3DS
So many to choose from.. 

But then I realised I would be short of cash to buy the game if I did so.. I bought the mariokart 7 one :b

Free game plus 100 dollars cheaper. What a deal! 

As I play pokemon x, I realised that they did not add many ground type pokemon. In fact, there are only 2?!?!?! One of them is legendary btw.

And I also realised, the best starter, will always be the water starter. I'm only saying that cos I have played every single pokemon game since Fire Red. Haha. Fuck me right?

Also, the fire starter will highlight your weaknesses. If you're buying X and Y, chances are you're doing it for dat Mega Charizard.

You receive the Charmander pretty early in game as well (2nd gym) So picking a fire starter would leave you with 2 fire pokemon. Effectively doubling your weakness. But wait! Guess who's on distribution via WiFi now? Torchic with blazikenite!
Thats 3 fire starters for poor me. Ah well, ill make the most of that. Training up my...
Sylveon! I ♡ it so much lol haha.

Oh yeah. That is Xerneas I'm fighting. I caught it with a pokeball. In 2 turns. Easy day! 

There are so many new things in Pokemon that I won't even begin telling you :b Its more fun to realise it yourself! I dont use guide books anymore!

Saturday, 7 December 2013

RG Strike Freedom : Out of box build 1

I gotta say, its one heck of a well engineered piece of... plastic. 
Wow. Every part of this gunpla is well designed! Except maybe its random undergating (and the frequent lack of it where its needed most) 

I love the strike freedom. Ever since I watched MSG:Seed and GSD on the local children channel, I fell in love with gundam. And forgive me for saying this, it was the first gundam series I watched. Out of 2. The other would be 00. 
Fuck me, right?

But I'm not biased towards the seedfags and the 00 fans. I like gundam for what they are . Our imagination. 
I also happen to love robots.
To call gundam a robot. Is that an insult?

Anyway, more about strike freedom, I would say that in my childhood, I always craved for the main characters MS. Kira ,Shinn and Ahtrun. Their MSs spoke to me in a familiar language. 

The pink of the Justice. The wings of the destiny. And the Kira of Kira.

Just about all the stores I knew about at that time (OG and many departmental stores) were always sold out of kira MS and merchandise. And I was never able to get that illusive No grade 1/144 Strike. Let alone a freedom or SF.

And for the longest period of time, I lost interest in hobbies. I would say, there was a 5 year gap between Wing and the last kit I built. A NG 1/100 kit. And I lost all my old gunpla so I was pretty much back at square one.

I used to leave untrimmed nubs all over the place on my gunpla because I felt that curting them off would only result in ugly scars (I still have that problem) on the various parts of the kits. Also I had never touched a spray can (unless you count the time I spray painted my friends classroom floor a nice blue)  

Why the 5 year break? As the years passed, I found it increasingly difficult to fimd gunpla "societies" to purchase kits. And so, I put it down. Until recently, I saw the remastered GSD on gundaminfo (youtube). This rekindled the passion within me and with the help of my new smartphone and google, I managed to find Hobby arts gallery. An awesome shop dedicated to Gunpla.

Back to RG SF!

I cant stand the nub marks ._. They're so annoying. And UGLY!

So I decided. How about a titanium finish?
I'll be buying some clear yellow, clear red and clear blue, along with chrome. For shiny red, blue and gold parts.

This time, I'll be using Tamiya sprays instead of cheapo DPI.

My job is terrible btw! 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

HGAC Wing 1/144 WIP-Final

Im finally done

This kit was sorta my practice kit to get me used to painting, my first ever painted kit. I've learnt alot thoughout the weeks, and now im (sorta) ready to take on more!!! 

I think I did a decent paint job although if I could redo some parts I would definitely fix off the ugly seamlines and uneven topcoating. But what's done is done. I might repaint this kit when I finally consider myself a master at painting. 

And I found a job. Im going to work from tomorrow onwards, so I'll be updating even less now ): 

Welcome to Gunpla- Population: Me